It was late summer when the winning team of our Win a Workout with Laurent Ciman contest experienced the honors! Indeed, the Arsenal U9 - Chambly Journal were able to celebrate their victory of having garnered the most votes on their group photo submitted by a member of their team.
Memorable event
Proclaimed grand prize winners with over 10,500 votes, Armoires Cuisines Action allowed them to spend an unforgettable moment in the presence of one of their favorite professional soccer players, Laurent Ciman. Before the event, parents and young players came to the field and created their tailgate party where barbecue, beverages and most importantly... excitement was on the menu!

As soon as Ciman arrived, the excitement was on full display! He was able to put the waiting 9-year-old fans at ease by starting a friendly game of soccer. Parents versus kids, everyone was motivated!
Grand Prize
Meet their sports idol, Laurent Ciman and leave with their hands full! While the meeting itself was a treat, Armoires Cuisines Action presented each of the U9 members with a soccer jersey and a ball - both autographed. Door prizes were also given to fans and supporters of the event. Armoires Cuisines Action succeeded in bringing a smile a smile on everyone's lips, everyone had a wonderful time.

Social Implications
Armoires Cuisines Action is proud to be located in the Montérégie and North Shore regions of Montreal. In fact, 75% of the company's staff the company also lives in these areas. The managers and employees strongly favor local purchases and are also involved in various causes. The company encourages its employees by paying part of the monthly costs of their of their monthly sports activities. In this case, being there for the youth and encouraging sports was the primary motivation for the event.